We Just Launched Two New Amazing Six Sigma Certification Programs!
International Six Sigma Institute
14 February 2024
Six Sigma Certifications
Six Sigma Trainer
Six Sigma Coach
After months of hard work today is the day ...
I can't be happier to add two great programs to our amazing Six Sigma certifications portfolio.
Without further due, here they're ...
Certified Six Sigma Trainer™ (CSSTRA™) Certification Program >>
Certified Six Sigma Coach™ (CSSCOA™) Certification Program >>
From our past experience, I know that the first question that popped up in your mind is:
What is the difference between a Trainer and Coach?
Well it's very simple...
Six Sigma Trainers go and train Six Sigma teams (or to be Six Sigma teams) for a few days and then move to the next training assignment with other clients.
Six Sigma Coaches work with Six Sigma teams for a longer while (typically 1 to 12 months) hand-in-hand to correct their mistakes, optimize their processes and increase their organizational performance.
We provide you everything you need, so we you make sure that you conveniently learn Six Sigma and pass your Six Sigma Certification Exam! :)
Get the Most Popular, Recognized and Official Six Sigma Certification. Build New Skills and Increase Your Knowhow!
You lose chances for your career until you get your Six Sigma Certification.
And now thanks to International Six Sigma Institute™, you don't have to pay a fortune to take your career under your own control.
International Six Sigma Institute™ provides 8 major
1. Official,
2. Industry-Recognized,
3. Lifetime Valid,
4. Most Affordable,
5. No Mandatory Classroom Training,
6. Simple, Quick and Efficient,
7. World-Class Student Support
Six Sigma Certification Programs.
Register For Your Six Sigma Certification >>
Stay tuned. And stay focused!..
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